In this Power Automate Learning series post, we are going to access microsoft excel as a database and perform SQL operations. Actions Covered in this session: Open SQL Connection Used to connect to various kind of data sources Execute SQL Statements Used to specify which SQL statements to be executed in the data source the Sheet name will be the table name in Query, and don't forget to add a $ at the end of table name. for eg: If sheet name is Employees, then the query will look like SELECT * FROM [Employees$] Cose connection Used to close connection After every operation, don't forget to close the SQL connection. In this session, in Open SQL Connection action, we have to provide a connection string. A connection string will look like this: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Users\shank\Music\test.xlsx;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES";Persist Security Info=False For more information about connection strings, and options Visit Microsoft off...
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